ご使用上の注意 - 塗るプリメントはパラペン等の防腐剤、アルコール、鉱物油、香料、 色素等不使用ですから、開封後は保存不可。アトマイザ一等へ的英文翻譯

ご使用上の注意 - 塗るプリメントはパラペン等の防腐剤、アルコール、鉱

ご使用上の注意 - 塗るプリメントはパラペン等の防腐剤、アルコール、鉱物油、香料、 色素等不使用ですから、開封後は保存不可。アトマイザ一等への入替え後は冷蔵庫にて保管し、2、3日中に 使いきってください。また、アトマイザ一は毎回使用後中性洗剤等で洗浄し、乾燥させてお使いください お子様や敏感肌の方にもご使用いただけますが コラーゲンアレルギーの方は使用不可。お肌に合わない方は使用を中止し、専門医にご相談ください。"
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Precautions for use-from supplement paint is not used preservatives such as parapet, alcohol, mineral oil, fragrance, dye, etc. after opening is not allowed to save. And kept in the refrigerator after exchanging to the atomizer first, please spent during two or three days. Also the atomizer 1 everytime in use afterwards of detergent, etc., and thoroughly, dried please use can be used for children or sensitive skin is allergic to collagen is not allowed to use. And stop using those who agree with your skin, consult your doctor. "
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
Use Precautions - paint Purimento preservatives such as parabens, alcohol, mineral oil, fragrance, dye, etc. because it is not in use, after opening Not save. After replacement of the atomizer first class should be stored in the refrigerator, please use up in two or three days. In addition, one atomizer was washed with each use after neutral detergent, etc., for those of children and sensitive skin please use dried can also be used, but disabled people of collagen allergy. If you disagree with your skin to stop using, please consult a specialist. "
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
Preservatives, fragrance of a pen like alcohol, mineral oil, cement paint a note on usage is not used, the dye, etc. from the store after opening. After the first replacement atomizer to keep in the refrigerator in a few days, spent. Moreover, the atomizer is washed after each use neutral detergent or the like, the use of collagen allergies are available to use, please use your child or sensitive skin dry. Discontinue use if the product does not suit your skin,Consult your dermatologist. "
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