Ugh, all this cleaning... Honestly, will this ever end...
Ah, [HF]. I see you're cleaning. How is it? Work, I mean. Must be awful seeing as you aren't used to it yet.
べ、別に! これくらい、なんでもないわよ。ほらほら、掃除の邪魔だから、あっち行ってよ。
N-No way! This much is nothing. Come now, you're getting in the way. Go somewhere else.
Hmm. I thought I heard you complaining earlier, though.
Must've been your imagination. There's no way I'd say that.
え? 別に、俺は[HF]が弱音を吐いただなんて、そんなの一言も言ってないけど。
Eh? I never said you were the one complaining, though.
Y-Yes, that's true. Obviously, because I'd never say such a thing. It was your imagination, really.
...I know it's tough when you start out, you don't need to pretend you're stronger than you are.
別に、強がってないわよ。それとも、なに? アタシが助けてって言えば、このお仕事がなくなるわけ?
I'm not pretending at all. What would you have me do, anyway? Do you think all this work would just go away if I asked for help?
No, probably not...
See, you agree. Don't just throw words around like that, Master.
Still, I could at least help you with the cleaning.
はあ? なに言ってるのよ。メイドのお仕事を、ご主人様が? それこそ問題よ。
Huh? What are you saying. You, doing a maid's job? That would be a problem.
I wonder. If the Master says it's fine, I don't think there's any problem.
大ありよ、大あり! ほらほら、さっさと行ってよ。アタシ、お仕事の続きするから。
There is, there definitely is! Come on, go away already. I need to keep cleaning.