Timan strongest job
compared with only the strongest in each State swing top positions.
Believes conditions as no succession in ジョブマス.
I thought, assuming of course is their compatibility, so if the brute force to win high order.
W assumes each player skill is, I think the best when you work
I think less data on the new top job, error is large.
Top 11
# 1. Smith V
2 place. V much
3. V pre
4. S monk
5th place. S much
6th. D monk
7th place. I Smith
8. I Puri
9. S デバスタ
top 10. S Smith
11th place. Gunther S
has excluded most of worst Stephens is not.
* I trap.
Post avoided watching the motion not suited to one-on-one.
Worst 4
1. I para
2nd. I Etrian
3. I lost
4. S-trap