The practical meaning of Fitts’ law for the HCI community was explained in the preface – it takes more timeto hit a target if it is further away or smaller. There is no reason making a big deal of it and it is definitely notworth the several hundred publications on the topic. Fights for the most exact formula predicting targetacquisition times do not bring any benefit and have no implication on practical design issues.Fitts’ law experiments suit perfectly for student exercises. The software is easy to program on any platform,the user study does not take much time, and the measured data are the base for exercising statisticalmethods. There are many pointing devices, mouse devices, trackballs, touchpads and joysticks, which allowmany variations for a different exercise in the next course.Of course the concept of limited information transmission from a human to a device has relevance forhuman computer interaction. Therefore it seems natural that the HCI community does research on this topic.However, the concept is well-known for more than half a century and there was a lot of psycho-motorresearch done already and therefore the concept is also well-understood, at least outside HCI.It seems that the motivation for Fitts’ law research by the HCI community is the scientific claim. Fitts’formula is the only non-trivial formula in HCI and has a relation to Shannon’s information theory which isdefinitely hard science. Therefore Fitts’ law could support the scientific claim of a community which mostlydeals with soft design issues. However, if people do research on a naïve level it can also prove the opposite.
HCI community was explained preface<br>to hit atarget if it further away 或 smaller。 There is no reason making a big deal of it and it is definitely not<br>the topic. 為 most exact formula predicting target<br>acquisition times do not bring any benefit 和 have no implication on practical design issues。<br>Fitts' law experiments suit perfectly for student exercises。 軟體是"輕鬆到程式",<br>... ...<br>方法。 There are many pointing devices, mouse devices, trackballs, touchpads and joysticks, which allow<br>many variations for a different exercise in the next course.<br>of course the concept limited information transmision from a man to device has relevance for<br>人電腦互動。 HCI 社區 does research on the topic。<br>However, the concept is well-known for more than half a century and there was a lot of psycho-motor<br>研究一下,<br>HCI community is scientific claim。 Fitts'<br>formula is the only non-trivial formula in HCI and has a relation to Shannon's information theory which is<br>definitely hard science。 科學學院<br>deals with soft design issues。 However, if people do research on a naïve level it can also prove the opposite.