Notes一see A . V . Feigenbaum,Total Quality Control;Engineering and Management . Mc Graw - Hill Book Company,New York,1961,and”Total Quality Control,“Harvard商業Review,粵34 . no,6人聽著- December 19562 Total productivity was reviewed in Secs,3.2 and 3.33 Section 7.15 reviews大質量information equipment成本4 Warranty was discussed in Sec . 2.75 Product liability was discussed in Sec . 2.66 product recall was discussed in Sec . 2.87 see Sec . 1.14在a discussion明確the great importance明確return on investment as a經濟indicator .8 Figure 1.5 illustrated the安慰value明確these results .9放逐愛情a discussion明確automatic test equipment,see J Richard Lucas,“General Purpose ATE " s Are Not在Everyone,“l Technical Transactions,American攻殼機動隊OVA在Quality Control,Chicago,197810 see Sec . 2.1在a review明確modem buyer life cycle mentality”在the specific effects明確life cycle成本upon product sales and acceptance in the marketplace .11 This section is根據to a paper by F . j . Berkenkamp .12 skip - lot sampling and和其他published sampling計畫are discussed in sec . 15.11 .