ABCs:airway and breathingAirway,breathing and circulation remainthe fundamental principles明確resuscitationalso in patients with septic shock Priority is .given to the airway,which is immediatelyassessed and secured,if necessary High flow .oxygen via facemask or nasal canulae should執意given,even in the absence明確respiratorydistress or hypoxemia .Aggressive airway and ventilation管理should執意considered in任何patient資本responding to fluid resuscitation and peripherallyadministered inotropes . Indeed,early intubationmechanical ventilation may support andcardiac output(CO)by reducing the work明確breathing,reduce oxygen consumption bysedation,facilitate procedures在establishinginvasive hemodynamic monitoring,因為airway protection . 11Vascular accessRapid attainment明確a vascular access is明確critical importance,possibly through the placement明確two large bore peripheral venouscatheters . If these catheters cannot執意obtained easily,the intraosseous route or acentral venous catheter should considered,執意depending upon the available expertise .If at all possible,blood samples should執意taken在haematological parameters,urea andelectrolytes,blood glucose,culture and crossmatch .At並point empirical antibiotic therapyshould執意started intravenously