ええ……っ! どうしましょう、わたし……! あっ、いますぐ、病院の手配を……!
Yeah Tsu ......! What about, I ...! Oh, now, ... the hospital arrangements!
え……と、嘘、ですか……? じゃあ、ちゃんと治る病気なんですね、よかった……! でも病院には、行ったほうがいいですよ?
For example ... and, lie, do ...? Well, but I was perfectly cured illness, was good ...! But in the hospital, it is better to go?
Oh ..., kind, ... it's was that. I'm sorry, I, slow to understand ......
ご、ご主人様に、気を使わせてしまうなんて……! わたし、嘘の勉強してきます……!
...... Nante you, to your husband like, would not use the care! I, you've been studying for a lie ...!