I told you, I didn't want to have a covenant, you did it yourself, I refused it before already<br><br>You are truly not understanding my game rules, it's okay I will teach you slowly later on<br><br>就是你,你就是你<br><br>Someone is going over here, if you still do that, I'll scream<br><br>Your memory doesn't work very well at all<br><br>She is obiously a weak person, Just I lightly touch herbody, like she no longer exists<br><br>But, 世界將要開始。 Could it be, 我就是這個。<br><br>I heard your literature team is calling for funding<br><br>He might be willing to give up 20 billion just because he likes do it, maybe it will be easy to finance this movie<br><br>As long as you coordinate well, 我就是你。<br><br>我一無所有, 都做, 是 such a dangerous person