Jim looked at Mae. The blood had run from her face, leavingher pale with worry. He stood. "Get the coats, Joe." Then hebegan walking toward the bar.Baer gave a big smile when he saw Jim coming. "Look, it's theCinderella Man!" he shouted.Jim stood toe to toe with the champion. "You keep saying inthe newspapers that you're going to kill me in the ring. I havethree little kids. You're upsetting my family."Baer moved closer. His voice was quiet as he said, "Listen to me,Braddock. I'm asking you not to take this fight. People admireyou. You seem like a nice guy, and I don't want to hurt you. It's nojoke. They're calling you the Cinderella Man. Well, people die inchildren's stories all the time."Suddenly, a small crowd of reporters and photographers raninto the club. Baer turned to face the cameras and smiled. Hisvoice was loud again as he started performing for the cameras. "Ifyou're smart, you'll fall over in the first round," he told Jim.Jim's eyes met Baer's. "I think I'll try for a few rounds," he said