URSA MAJOR<br>Latin : Ursa Major (the Great Bear)<br>Greek : Arktos Megale (the Great Bear) or Amaza (the Wagon) or Helikê<br>Akkadian : Eriqqu (the Wagon)<br>Sumerian : MAR. GÍD.DA (the Wagon)<br><br>CALLISTO An Arcadian princess who was loved by the god Zeus and transformed into a bear by the wrathful goddess Artemis or Hera. She was later placed amongst the stars as the constellation Ursa Major, along with her son Arcas, who became Bootes. Hera was still furious and forbade Callisto's stars ever set into the river Oceanus. (Hyginus 2.1 & 2.4 from Hesiod & Amphis & others.)<br><br>HELICE A nymph who nursed the infant god Zeus on Mount Ida in Crete. As a reward for her service, she was placed amongst the stars as the constellation Ursa Major, along with her sister Cynosura as Ursa Minor. (Hyginus 2.2 on Aglaosthenes, Aratus 25.)<br><br>MEGISTO An Arcadian princess, daughter of King Ceteus. She was transformed into a bear and placed amongst the stars as the constellation Ursa Major. Her father and was placed beside her in the form of the Kneeler ("Hercules") apparently lamenting her fate. (Hyginus 2.1 & 2.6 on Araethus of Tegea.)<br><br>WAIN OF BOOTES The ox-drawn wagon or plough of the farmer Bootes was set amongst the stars in the form of the constellation Ursa Major. Their driver stands immediately behind it in the heavens. (Hyginus 2.2.) ...