As a primary school student, I enjoyed creating fashion designs on the pages. As I grew older, I discovered that I was still very passionate about fashion but wouldn't become a direct creator of designs because I didn't have a talent for painting, but became the indirect backer in the chain that created that fashion product. I chose to study Law because I was aware that all professions were part of the law, and if I wanted to become a global citizen, I had to understand the law. Therefore, I entered international commercial law with the desire to work in the law department of a multinational company. And Fast Retail is my choice when it comes to including both the two things I love: law and fashion. I learned about Fast retail through an article about uniqlo's first store in hiroshima and how the operation changed to implement the Ariake project in 2018. I express my admiration for the people at Fast Retail and look forward to dedicating themselves to the company. The best part is that if I become an employee of the company, I have the opportunity to work and live in beautiful Japan - the country that I dreamed of as a child through the doraemon pages