PART-TIME JOBS FOR TEENAGERS <br>Part-time jobs for American students are very popular and usually begin during their high <br>school days. Besides working in fast food restaurants and small cafeterias, a very popular job for a <br>teenager in America is baby sitting. This has its greatest appeal among teenage girls and a good <br>baby sitter can earn quite a bit if she is reliable, responsible and mature. <br>It is not necessarily an easy job and requires both social skills and general competence. Such <br>a job often involves working on Friday and Saturday nights when many married couples like to <br>spend the night going to a movie or the theatre. <br>Other part-time jobs which are popular especially among young boys is managing a paper <br>route or mowing the lawns of people in one's neighbourhood. These jobs also require a sense of <br>responsibility and can be a source of good income for a high school student. Young boys who run <br>paper routes are required to get up early in the morning to deliver the daily news regardless of the <br>weather. This job has no holidays and requires the newspaper to be delivered every day without <br>exception. In America there are no newspaper holidays. <br>Part-time jobs for high schools students in America are often seen as an opportunity to teach <br>young people about work responsibility and respect for others. The young people learn how to <br>become part of the adult world and to share in the making of society. ...