Table 1. Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Initial Scale Items for Perceived Perceived Perceived Perceived Perceived Perceived Perceived Perceived Usefulness1. My job would be difficulto perform without electronic mail.2. Using electronic mail gives me greater control over my work.3. Using electronic mail improves my job performance.4. The electronic mail system addresses my job-related needs.5. Using electronic mail saves me time.6. Electronic mail enables me to accomplish tasks more quickly.7. Electronic mail supports critical aspects of my job.8. Using electronic mail allows me to accomplish more work than would otherwise bepossible.9. Using electronic mail reduces the time I spend on unproductive activities.10. Using electronic mail enhances my effectiveness on the job.11. Using electronic mail improves the quality of the work I do.12. Using electronic mail increases my productivity.13. Using electronic mail makes it easier to do my job.14. Overall, I find the electronic mail system useful in my job.