This graph shows the weekly hours of TV watching, on average, for the past year.<br>In January last year the average number of weekly viewing hours stood at 28.1 This<br>figure _decreased ' steadily for the next two months, reaching 27.2 in February<br>and 25.5 in March. The number of viewing hours then fluctuated a little; they<br>increased ' slightly to 26. 1 in April. They then dropped ' dramatically to<br>23.3 in May. The figure thenrose<br>'very slightly to 23.5 in June and then<br>more or less leveled off for the summer, which is traditionally the time people<br>watch the least television. The figure dropped slightly back to 23.3 in July<br>and reached ' its lowest point in August at 23:2. Average viewing hours<br>went up ' sharply in September to 25.3 and then _increased " more<br>gradually for the rest of the year to 26.1 in October, and 27,4 in November. The<br>figure reache " its highest point in December at 28:2 hours per week.<br>Example answer: