Thank you, Manish. The only time the IQ disappointed me was when I first purchased the lens and saw the low contrast images. I looked inside and thought the dust that was on the inside the barrel element was permanent. It turned out the "dust" was actually the felt lining in the tube flaking off. I was able to clean and blow it out and suddenly the lens was sharp and contrasty. Hasn't disappointed me since.
If you like shooting pictures of planets (they look like dots on the sensor), though, note that the planet won't be round but this weird shape. Someone documented it when looking for an astronomical lens and he ended up passing on it.
As for shooting at f/5.6, I do it all the time. I shot my son pitching at a little league game and even though I shot a full length picture I was able to enlarge a little area and see his eyelashes. They weren't tack sharp like what a D800 would give, but sharp enough for what a D700 would. I wish I could post the picture, but my better half wasn't too keen on it
Thank you, Manish. The only time the IQ disappointed me was when I first purchased the lens and saw the low contrast images. I looked inside and thought the dust that was on the inside the barrel element was permanent. It turned out the "dust" was actually the felt lining in the tube flaking off. I was able to clean and blow it out and suddenly the lens was sharp and contrasty. Hasn't disappointed me since.
If you like shooting pictures of planets (they look like dots on the sensor), though, note that the planet won't be round but this weird shape. Someone documented it when looking for an astronomical lens and he ended up passing on it.
As for shooting at f/5.6, I do it all the time. I shot my son pitching at a little league game and even though I shot a full length picture I was able to enlarge a little area and see his eyelashes. They weren't tack sharp like what a D800 would give, but sharp enough for what a D700 would. I wish I could post the picture, but my better half wasn't too keen on it