At such a critical moment, Qonas Kilgor decisively gave upthe Concerto of Light and Shadow and made it stay faraway from the battlefield so as to avoid the effects of itsrandom anomalies.Next, he might only have one or two chances to savehimself. If another anomaly were to happen, the outcomewas irreversible!The Sealed Artifact which was a mixture of half order anddisorder quickly plummeted to the ground. Qonas Kilgormoved his fingers with great difficulty as he facedGehrman Sparrow, whose wounds were quickly healing.He originally had two choices. One was to use the thirdmethod he had originally thought of to save himself, anaction that only required a mere thought. The other was to"Magnify" his enemy's injuries and make him die on thespot.However, when Qonas Kilgor was still able to thinkrelatively quickly, he didn't expect "Gehrman Sparrow" tonot die after suffering so many gunshots, even his controlover the Spirit Body Threads wasn't affected. There wasno subsequent followup to this plan.And at this moment, his brain was already like a sluggishmush. He had no way of thinking too much. He didn't wishto waste any more time as he followed his plans.Whoosh!