Here are my first images and first experience and comments on my new Nikon 400mm f3.5 lens. These images are shot with my Nikon D800 camera with some PP in NX2.
400mm.jpg 123.23KB 0 downloads
The above image is from the ad for the lens, I will remove it with one of my own images shortly.
My first reactions are as follows:
1) You cannot help notice how heavy this lens is. 6 lbs heavy. Holding it around the house seemed like fun, however, after spending two hours hauling it around the park today with my tripod, yikes!, this is a heavy combo to haul around all day long!
2) The lens tripod bracket does NOTHING to balance the lens when mounted on the tripod. This was very hard on the wrists as time went by because I was shooting some of the bird in fly shots of the Seagulls you see below. Tracking them etc and I am tracking the birds, focusing and fighting gravity. It wasn't a pleasant experience after a while. My wrists started to hurt. It is very top heavy and gravity pushes the front of the lens do. I suspect a gimbel with fix this readily.
3) Focusing is a bit of a challenge. The grip on the lens, in my opinion is a tad too small. Two fingers comfortably fit on it and until I get used to it, it is a little disconcerting.
4) Image is excellent. I had no light today, had to set a very high ISO an what little sun there was kept going in and out of the clouds. These images were all shot between 3:00pm and 4:00pm.
Overall, I found using the lens very exciting. It is very bright, easy enough to use manually on the camera and takes a wonderful image. I have some fine tuning to do and as time progresses, I am sure I will get better with it. It is a lot tougher using manual focus when I have been spoiled by the newer autofocus lenses. However, my success ration was probably slightly higher today in getting shots in focus that it would have been with my 300mm lens.
These photos are not perfect and probably not the best examples, but based with my lighting situation, they are pretty good for a first attempt. Comments welcomed.
Here are my first images and first experience and comments on my new Nikon 400mm f3.5 lens. These images are shot with my Nikon D800 camera with some PP in NX2.
400mm.jpg 123.23KB 0 downloads
The above image is from the ad for the lens, I will remove it with one of my own images shortly.
My first reactions are as follows:
1) You cannot help notice how heavy this lens is. 6 lbs heavy. Holding it around the house seemed like fun, however, after spending two hours hauling it around the park today with my tripod, yikes!, this is a heavy combo to haul around all day long!
2) The lens tripod bracket does NOTHING to balance the lens when mounted on the tripod. This was very hard on the wrists as time went by because I was shooting some of the bird in fly shots of the Seagulls you see below. Tracking them etc and I am tracking the birds, focusing and fighting gravity. It wasn't a pleasant experience after a while. My wrists started to hurt. It is very top heavy and gravity pushes the front of the lens do. I suspect a gimbel with fix this readily.
3) Focusing is a bit of a challenge. The grip on the lens, in my opinion is a tad too small. Two fingers comfortably fit on it and until I get used to it, it is a little disconcerting.
4) Image is excellent. I had no light today, had to set a very high ISO an what little sun there was kept going in and out of the clouds. These images were all shot between 3:00pm and 4:00pm.
Overall, I found using the lens very exciting. It is very bright, easy enough to use manually on the camera and takes a wonderful image. I have some fine tuning to do and as time progresses, I am sure I will get better with it. It is a lot tougher using manual focus when I have been spoiled by the newer autofocus lenses. However, my success ration was probably slightly higher today in getting shots in focus that it would have been with my 300mm lens.
These photos are not perfect and probably not the best examples, but based with my lighting situation, they are pretty good for a first attempt. Comments welcomed.