1. The young engineer didn't want to talk much about the machine (machine, which he invented) because he wasn't sure if specialists would be interested in it. 2. You seem to be concerned about something. What's the matter? 3. I'd like us to go to the dining room now. In half an hour it will be overcrowded. 4. Why are you so upset? You're not leaving for good, are you? Two months will pass quickly, you will get better and go home again. 5. I am very grateful to you for the book. I couldn't get it anywhere, and in a week I needed to get a message. 6. Do you mind if I give you the money I owe you tomorrow? "Not at all, I forgot about it. 7. Everyone wanted Anna to sing more (again), but she asked not to force her to sing anymore because she was very tired. 8. What happened? Why did such a huge crowd gather there? 9. If you want to have fun, go see this play. It's the funniest play I've ever seen.<br><br>10. We expected you to bring us some good news.<br><br>11. Don't be mad at us. We didn't expect this news to bother you so much. 12. Why don't you force your son to ski or skate anymore? It's pretty pale because there's little in the air (doesn't go out much). 13. I love watching my young son draw. It always makes me very amused. And. I'm surprised he believed this strange news.<br><br>15. You warned everyone about the meeting, didn't you?<br><br>16. Unfortunately, no one could warn travellers of the danger.