The larvicidal bioassay was conductedfollowing the WHO method (World Health Organization,2005). Batches of 20 third or fourth instars larvae weretransferred by means of droppers to small disposable testvessels, each containing 100 mL of water. Theappropriate volume of dilution was added to 100 mLwater in the cups to obtain the desired target dosage,starting with the lowest concentration. The test containerswere held at 28±2oC and a photoperiod of 12 h lightfollowed by 12 h dark (12L: 12D). Four or morereplicates were set up for each concentration and an equalnumber of controls were set up simultaneously with tapwater, to which 1 mL ethanol (or the organic solventused) was added. Each test was run three times ondifferent days. The results were recorded where theLC50and LC90values and slope and heterogeneity analysiswere also noted.